New Zines, New Books

The shelves are full - we've done a re-run of old popular zines, printed some new ones, and we've also have just received an order of new books.

Some of the new zines include 'The Sun Still Rises' by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; the Lexicon pamphlet series by the Institute for Anarchist Studies and 'Hunter Gather' by Crimethinc.

Reprinted zines include a new edition of 'Hot Pantz', the wonderful do-it-yourself gynecology zine that begins with the statement:
"Patriarchy sucks. It's robbed us of our autonomy and much of our history. We believe that it's integral for women to be aware and in control of our own bodies. The recipes we present here have been known for centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, and have survived the censorship of the witch hunts. Our intent is simple and practical: to help break away from the medical establishment's tentacular grip on our bodies and our approaches to health and healing."

We've also got 'Emma Goldman on Prisons', 'Anarchism: What it is and what it isn't' by Chaz Bufe and 'Methods of Anarcho-Syndicalsim' by Rudolf Rocker.

The new books include Rudolf's autobiography, 'The London Years' which covers in particular the times of the London 1912 strikes and Rocker's internment during WW1. Another classic we have is 'Property is Theft! A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Reader' put together by Iain McKay, the editor of An Anarchist FAQ.

Other new books include 'Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage' which challenges the notion of fighting for equality and the desire to have equality in conservative systems and institutions, such as marriage, that oppress people. This is just one of three books that we have by the Against Equality group, the two others in this handy pocket-sized set are 'Don't Ask to Fight Their Wars' and 'Prisons Will Not Protect You'.


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